CEH was too easy
Certified Ethical Hacker exam was just too easy. I took it in December and passed with only 2 days of prep. I used Boson exam simulations which pretty much covered everything that was on the exam 125 multiple choice questions varied on topics such as Nmap switches, VLAN types, TCP/IP model, Windows OS management, bluetooth hijacking, and simple web app vulnerabilities. It took me about two hours in total to complete the exam. I could have finished the exam in one hour but server 500 errors kept me busy troubelshooting (seriously!!!).
Lesson learned: CEH is ultra basic certification that does not make good pentesters. It does not teach you hands-on skills. You don't get to actually pawn a box. Instead, you memorize a bunch of topics and go take the exam.
And I'm sure I'm gonna get this from ya'll: